Thoughts on “The Interview” and North Korea

Truth be told, I was looking forward to the premiere of The Interview this Christmas season. And it’s not because the buzz surrounding the hacking of Sony, in what seems to be a direct act of retaliation for financing and producing this movie. It wasn’t even because of all the media attention the movie got as a result of this controversy. And most certainly, it was not because of the artistic value one may find in certain cinematic creations – which was probably not the case here anyway. I simply wanted to see the movie because I was curious to see how realistic the movie portrays the reality of North Korea. Continue  

6 Must Things To Do On A Time Crunch Trip

Before arriving here I had pegged D.C as one of the very boring and  straight laced cities, with people doing their power walks  and having their gazillionth cup of Starbucks coffee, all suited up on their way to probably sit in a U.N session or whatever it is that they do, but D.C turned out to be a complete contradiction to the robotic city that I had imagined in my mind , for a person like myself, while much of my movement was centered in DuPont the city still wove its magic nonetheless and lo and behold you have a  hub of art and culture, people from all  over the world, ethnicities, size, shape coming together *much like back home* put them together and what you have is the most amazing experience EVER. Continue