Democracy in Action: Int’l Visitors Observe Election Day 2014

International visitors observed elections across the United States during the November 4th mid-term elections.


On Tuesday, November 4th, visitors from around the world participating in a variety of our programs gathered at various polling stations across the United States to witness democracy in action. These visitors were on both the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) and our GlobalConnect projects. Visitors observed elections in 10 cities: Sacramento, California, Manchester, New Hampshire, Raleigh, North Carolina, Louisville, Kentucky, Minneapolis, Minnesota, San Antonio, Texas, New York, New York, Annapolis, Maryland, Arlington, Virginia, and Washington, DC.


Moroccan visitors talk to Democratic incumbent Pat Long of the New Hampshire House of Representatives in Manchester, NH

Moroccan visitors talked to Democratic incumbent Pat Long of the New Hampshire House of Representatives in Manchester, New Hampshire. Long represents the 10th Hillsborough State House district, first elected in 2006.

Pakistan Found Where to Vote in NYC

Emerging Leaders of Pakistan fellows discovered where to vote while they were in the Big Apple on Election Day. This project was arranged by our GlobalConnect division.


Chinese and Cambodian IVs at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington

Cambodian and Chinese participants visited a polling station at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, Virginia.

5. Serbian IV receiving I Voted sticker from election day volunteer (who was a retired foreign service officer & nominated IVs)-in DC

Serbian visitor received an “I voted!” sticker from a volunteer in Washington, DC. The volunteer is a retired Foreign Service Officer who actually used to nominate participants for the IVLP.


African group in Raleigh Polling Precinct

In the much-watched state of North Carolina, an IVLP delegation of young African leaders visited a polling place in Raleigh, the state’s capital.

3. Albanian IVLP group attended election parties for both candidates. Here they are at Senator Mitch McConnell's victory party.

Albanian IVLP group attended election parties for both candidates in Kentucky. Here they are at Senator Mitch McConnell’s victory party.

4. Albanian visitors watch Senator McConnell give his acceptance speech in Louisville, Kentucky

The Albanian visitors were even able to watch Senator McConnell give his acceptance speech in Louisville, Kentucky.


IVLP Murrow in Minnesota

The IVLP Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists visited the Brian Coyle Center polling place on election day and met with Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, League of Women Voters Minnesota, and the City of Minneapolis Government.


IVLPWomeninPolitics in Sacramento

FOX40 in Sacramento interviewed IVLP participant Ms. Tasmina Sheikh about the electoral system in her home country of Scotland.