My Most Exciting Moment? Meeting U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, of course!

Teta Isibo of Rwanda visited the United States this summer as a participant of the International Visitor Leadership Program’s (IVLP) African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP).  She is the Managing Director and Founder of Inzuki Designs – a company that specializes in handmade jewelry, accessories and interior décor, fusing traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design.  


Desiree Rogers Shares Secrets of Success with Meridian’s AWEP Group

There truly is no better way to learn the secrets of successful leadership than from the real-life experiences of leaders who, everyday, succeed because of and in spite of the complex challenges of leadership. On Monday, July 22, a distinguished group of African women entrepreneurs experienced this first-hand, when they met with Desiree Rogers, CEO of Johnson Publishing Company LLC, the publishers of the renowned Ebony and Jet Magazines.
