The Importance of IP in India As Bollywood Doubles Hollywood’s Movie Production

When most individuals think of the Indian film industry, Bollywood immediately comes to mind — Bollywood, the behemoth business that produces over 1,000 films a year, or twice the number Hollywood produces. These theatrical and spectacular productions have given Bollywood its reputation as a giant in the international world of film and media, especially due to the sheer volume of films produced by the Indian industry. However, in comparison to the U.S., whose film industry brings in $51 billion a year, Bollywood’s revenue is only about $4.5 billion. Why the extreme discrepancy? While many reasons can explain the lack of revenue garnered by Bollywood, one of the main reasons is the amount of—and lack of regulation against—piracy in India.


India and the America Ice Trade in the 19th Century

When the Tuscany sailed into the Ganges Delta in September 1833, it caused quite a stir; not only had the American ship just completed a 4-month journey across the Atlantic, but it was also filled with an exotic cargo – 100 tons of ice.  The ship was the first of many. Between 1840 and 1870, exporting “crystal blocks of Yankee coldness” became a lucrative trade.  Frederic Tudor, the “Ice King of the World”, reaped most of the benefits. Continue  

Mango Diplomacy – How The King of Fruit Eases Tensions in India and Pakistan

Meridian’s Art for Cultural Diplomacy staff learned about a fascinating tradition between India and Pakistan when Dr. Curtis Sandberg, Senior Vice President for the Arts, traveled to New Delhi to sign a Memorandum of Intent with the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.  During his stay, he met with Times of India journalist, Indrani Bagchi, who brought up the significance of mango diplomacy – a soft power initiative that we wanted to share with our readers.

The people of India and Pakistan have existed under similar spheres of influence for millennia, including the Indus Valley Civilization and the Mughal Empire, and in subsequent centuries developed similarities in language, literature, art, architecture, and cuisine across a key international border. Today, while both countries often focus on issues that divide them, a popular, regional fruit is bringing the two nations together to try and ease tensions. Continue