OH! Columbus – As a Visitor

I had never met an Inspector General before and honestly before the meeting I had to research what the role’s responsibilities included. His office was at least 30 stories up the Rhodes State Office building and outside the windows I could make out the finer details of the LeVeque Tower. Roman fasces and art deco figures set in glazed white terra-cotta tiles lined its walls. It was designed to be a foot taller than the Washington Monument. During my travels around Columbus the building had served as my landmark and it was remarkable to be at the same height as it now.


Access for All: Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Sunday, July 26th marks the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which for 25 years has provided greater independence and protection from discrimination for millions of Americans. The law has not only helped to make buildings, schools and streets more accessible, but also  guarantees citizens living with disabilities equal opportunity for employment and communication aids, promoting a more inclusive America.


A Profile of IVLP Alumni Becoming Heads of State

The 75th Anniversary of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) is a major milestone in the program’s history. It offers us a chance to reflect on the impact of the program by examining the numbers. More than 335 current or former heads of government are IVLP alumni. Meridian International Center is proud to have coordinated the programs of 168 of these alumni. I compiled basic data on these world leaders to see what sort of statistics could be gleaned. I focused on their age when they participated in the IVLP, how many years afterward they became a head of government and what was the length of their term. I also marked their gender and if they were currently in office.
