IVLP Alumni Spotlight: Australian TV Producer Reflects on Broadcast Media in the U.S.

IVLP Alumni Spotlight features U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) alumni as they reflect on the impact of the program and how it has affected their work and lives. Here we feature one alumna who participated in a Multi-Regional project for journalists and media professionals. The participant spent three weeks in the United States examining how new technologies shape the way news is gathered and how broadcast media influences and reflects American society. More information about Erin’s experience on the program can be found here: “Digital Media in the U.S. & Australia: IVLP Alumna Shares Key Takeaways from Exchange”


Congressional Districts Visited by IVLP Participants in 2015

Each year, in order to track the geographic diversity of our programming, we collect a list of the cities that our visitors see as they travel across the country. Last marked the 75th Anniversary of the International Visitor Leadership Program. Using the list of cities from that year we constructed a map to visually show our visitors travels. Would the data points cluster near the coast or major cities? What if we overlaid it with congressional districts? How would the spread be with red and blue districts? In the following maps we tried to discover the answers to those questions and more and the results might be surprising.


Visitors from Japan will explore U.S. trends in energy and environmental regulations

Welcome 2016 participants

Kazutaka Nakagawa and Mitsuo Nagai will begin their year-long Global Government-to-Government Partnership (G3P) this month. Following an introductory tour of U.S. economic revitalization efforts in Greensboro, NC, Cincinnati, OH and Portland, OR, the two participants will immerse themselves in English-language training. These initial activities prepare them for individualized research projects, which are the capstone of the program.


Tragedy and opportunity | Reflections from a YLAI fellow

Kheston Walkins is a young entrepreneur from Trinidad and Tobago who was selected to attend the 2016 Young Leaders of the America’s Initiative (YLAI) pilot program by the U.S. Department of State. This presidential initiative supports social and business entrepreneurs from across Latin America and the Caribbean. Here are some of his reflections on his experience attending this prestigious U.S.-based exchange. Tragedy and Opportunity: it is a strange courtship that is as clumsy as a duck’s waddle, yet the two travel abreast almost inseparably. My name is Kheston Walkins, and I am from Trinidad and Tobago. Let me tell...


Program Theme Spotlight: Countering Violent Extremism

Secretary of State John Kerry stated recently that violent extremism may well be “the defining challenge of our generation.” Given this reality, many International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) projects are focusing on best practices to counter radicalization and violent extremism. Their goal is to create a global knowledge network that develops strategies for ongoing cooperation in these efforts.
