Program Theme Spotlight: Transparency & Accountability

Transparency and accountability, whether in government, business, or other spheres of public life, ensures public trust in the integrity and fairness of leaders, elected officials and public servants.  International exchange programs on transparency and accountability typically highlight the roles of civil society and the media as watchdogs and catalysts for the creation and maintenance of transparent and accountable government and organizations. The importance of protecting these two concepts is recognized by civil societies and such protective efforts form the bases of numerous international exchange programs. Transparency and accountability can both be applied to a broad range of concerns in...


Meridian Reads: Here’s what you should know

Welcome to the very first #MeridianReads, a weekly roundup of everything you should know to stay competitive during your water cooler chats at work. Don’t want to read the full article? That’s fine — we did it for you. The top three takeaways are below the link along with relevant work we’ve done. Sit back, relax and enjoy your new Sunday morning routine. Inside the State Department’s international fashion show Publication: Vox | By Rebecca Jennings (@rebexxxa) The Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide hosted “Glamour and Diplomacy,” which celebrates contemporary designers from around the world. 22 countries...
